About Me
My mission is to bring a kind of massage to clients that is encompassing of their individual needs and concerns and is effective in its delivery. It is my belief that therapeutic massage doesn't have to cause pain, but takes it away and is comfortably executed to relieve stress also. I welcome any challenge your acute or chronic issues may pose to my skills and knowledge as a therapist and pledge to do my best to meet them with the best personalized care available within my scope. You will be counseled as to the best course of action, on my part in executing a therapeutic plan and on your part in developing and maintaining healthy habits (i.e., stretching routines, ergonomic work/exercise/sleep posturing, home therapies and exercises), that will supplement your personally planned sessions and ensure a quick and long-lasting response to treatment.
I am a licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Georgia (my license status may be reviewed at any time at http://sos.georgia.gov/myverification, lic. #MT007609), since March 2011. I was educated in the Neuromuscular Therapy program at Georgia Northwestern Technical College in Rome, GA under the instruction of Bobby Lewis, NMT. I am knowledgeable in various modes of massage, including Thai, Prenatal, Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Swedish, Lymphatic, Myofascial Release, Geriatric, Sports Injury/Training, Medical Massage, kinesiotaping and chair massage.

Sam Craw